for the media

On this page you will find Kapasity's logos, images and key contact information for the media.
Kapasityn materiaalit medialle.

contact information for the media

Iiro Kankaansyrjä, CEO, is responsible for Kapasity's communications to the media.

Iiro Kankaansyrjä

2nd Generation Entrepreneur, CEO
Kapasityn toimitusjohtaja Iiro Kankaansyrjä.

Iiro Kankaansyrjä

2nd Generation Entrepreneur, CEO

contact us

Feel free to contact us and we will discuss your project together.


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Request for quotation

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Service Order

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Accessory order

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Iiro Kankaansyrjä, Toimitusjohtaja, Kapasity Oy

Iiro Kankaansyrjä

2nd Generation Entrepreneur